Health... : The Malpractice crisis, ( ket. lihat bab. 13 ) ( halaman 173-190 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : Do nonproprofit hospitals behave differently than for-profit hospitals?, ( ket. lihat bab. 14 ) ( halaman 191-203 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : Competition among hospitals : does it raise or lower costs?, ( ket. lihat bab. 15 ) ( halaman 205-216 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : The Future role of hospitals, ( ket. lihat bab. 16 ) ( halaman 217-234 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : Cost shifting, ( ket. lihat bab. 17 ) ( halaman 235-248 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : Can price control limit medical expenditure increases? ( ket. lihat bab. 18 ) ( halaman 249-260 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : The Evolution of managed care, ( ket. lihat bab. 19 ) ( halaman 261-279 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : Has competition been tried - and has it failed - to improve the U.S. health care system?, ( ket. lihat bab. 20 ) ( halaman 281-298 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : How will the internet change health care?, ( ket. lihat bab. 21 ) ( halaman 299-314 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Health... : U.S. competitiveness and rising health costs, ( ket. lihat bab. 22 ) ( halaman 315-326 )
[s.l.] : Chicago : Health Administration press & AUPHA Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku