Effect of vitamin A on severity of acute diarrhea in children
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Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
The differential diagnosis of diarrhea
Sherman M. Mellinkoff
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Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Penatalaksanaan diare dan penggunaan terapi rehidrasi oral = The Management of diarrhoea and use of oral rehydration therapy
Petrus Andrianto
Jakarta : EGC, 1989
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Comparisno of the effects of zinc delivered in a fortified food or a liquid supplement on the growth, morbidity, and plasma zinc concentrations of young Peruvian children
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Hypoalbuminemia as a predictor of diarrhea caused by blastocystis hominis
Pongsakorn Laodim ... [et al.]
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2.159 Orang Terserang Diare
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Kebutuhan continuous renal replecement therapy (CRRT) pasca pembedahan digestif sulit pada pasien dengan sepsis dan gagal multi organ
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4 Orang Meninggal akibat Diare
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Keputusan menteri kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor : 1215/Menkes/SK/XI/2001 : tentang pedoman pemberantasan penyakit diare
Departemen Kesehatan
Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan RI, 2002
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Treatment and prevention of acute diarrhoea : guidelines for the trainers of health workers
World Health Organization
Geneva : WHO, 1985
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)