Lumut sebagai sumber protein
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Koran
Retak gigi, Sumber ngilu yang kerap terabaikan
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Koran
Merawat sumber gizi sejak masih di tangan petani
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Koran
Memahami Fungsi Protein
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Koran
bahaya konsumsi protein berlebihan
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Koran
Protein dan lansia
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Koran
Protein leverage effects of beef protein on energy intake in humans
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Contribution of gastroenteropancreatic appetite hormones to protein-induced satiety
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Myofibrillar, muscle protein synthesis rates subsequent to a meal in response to increasing doses of whey protein at rest and after resistance exercise
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Kebutuhan protein dan energi (dalam diet) di negara berkembang
Benjamin Torun, Vernon R. Young, William M. Rand
Jakarta : Pradnya Paramita, 1986
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)