Toxic compounds of curcuma aeruginosa causes necrosis mice hepatocytes
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Andrographis paniculata extract induced apoptosis of adenocarcinoma mammae in C3H mice
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Long-term effects on hypothalamic neuropeptides after developmental exposure to chlorpyrifos in mice
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
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In vivo activity of dihydroartemisinin against schistosoma mansoni schistosomula in mice
Hong-Jun Li ... [et al.]
Bangkok : SEAMEO, 2013
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Typhonium flagelliforme decreases tyrosine kinase and Ki67 expression in mice
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Inhibition of spermatogenesis by progesterone and androgen combinations in C3H mice
Puspita Eka Wuyung, Oentoeng Soeradi, Sudarto Pringgoutomo
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : 1992
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Kandungan vitamin B6 pada tempe lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) dan tempe koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens v. utilis)
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Fraksi etanol 96% biji koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens L.) sebagai peningkat kualitas spermatozoa mencit (Mus musculus)
Sri Winarni ... [et al.]
Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan RI, 2011
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Hexavalent chromium is carcinogenic to F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice after chronic oral exposure
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
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Epigenetic alterations in liver of C57BL/ 6J mice after short-term inhalational exposure to 1,3-butadiene
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah