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Dewhuerst's... : Cancer of the uterine corpus. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 645-650 ) ( Bab. 57 )
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Dewhuerst's... : Benign diseases of the vagina, cervix and ovary. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 606-613 ) ( Bab. 53 )
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Handbook of... : The potential of gene therapy as a treatment strategy for intra-uterine growth restriction. ( ket. lihat bab. 142 ) ( halaman 2379-2392)
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Guyton dan... : Medical Nutrition Therapy For Neurologic Disorders ( lihat halaman 813-838 ) ( bab. 40 )
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Handbook of... : Intra-uterine growth restriction in developing countries : impact on child mental development and behavior. ( ket. lihat bab. 9 ) ( halaman 147-158)
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Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku