Managing a... : ISO 9002 certification for a hospital - an illustrative case, ( Ket. lihat bab. 18 ) ( halaman 352-359 )
[s.l.] : New Delhi: Response, 2008, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Quality...: Managing quality using ISO 9000, ( Bab. 4 ) ( halaman 76-91 )
[s.l.] : London: Elsevier, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Ganong's... : The thyroid gland, ( Ket. lihat bab. 19 ) ( halaman 339-351 )
[s.l.] : New York : McGraw Hill Medical, 2012, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Tinjauan pelaksanaan pengendalian dokumemtasi sisten mutu ISO 9002 di RS. Mitra Keluarga Jatinegara
Esti Kartikaningsih; Pembimbing: Wiku Adisasmito
Depok : FKM UI, 2000
S1 - Skripsi
Managing... : Personnel/ human resource management. ( ket. lihat bab. 17 ) ( halaman 611-650 )
[s.l.] : Baltimore : Health Professions Press, 1992/ 1995, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Nutrition in...: Managing money, ( Bab. 17 ) ( halaman 342-360 )
[s.l.] : Maryland : An Aspen publ; 1990, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Risk... : Accreditation, licensure, certification, and surveying bodies. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 467-502 ) ( Bab. 16 )
[s.l.] : USA: Jossey-Bass a Wiley Impint, 2009, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Handbook of... : Quality assurance, inspection and certification of organic foods. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 41-52 ) ( Bab. 4 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton: CRS Press, 2007, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Chemical...: Food safety (Quality) assurance and certification of production. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 265-268 ) ( Bab. 28 )
[s.l.] : Cambridge: Modular texts, 2011, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Medical... : External quality improvement : accreditation, quality improvement education, and certification, ( Ket. lihat bab. 8 ) ( halaman 167-196 )
[s.l.] : Boston :Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku