Public... : Partnerships for public health : user involvement to improve health and wellbeing, ( Ket. lihat bab. 5 ) ( halaman 73-90 )
[s.l.] : Garsington : Blackwell Publishing, 2008, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Public... : Partnerships for public health : professional involvement to improve health and wellbeing, ( Ket. lihat bab. 6 ) ( halaman 91-101 )
[s.l.] : Garsington : Blackwell Publishing, 2008, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Public... : strategic leadership for health and wellbeing, ( Ket. lihat bab. 9 ) ( halaman 141-154 )
[s.l.] : Garsington : Blackwell Publishing, 2008, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Contemporary... : The combined effects of occupational stressors on health and wellbeing in the offshore oil industry. ( Ket. lihat bab. 62 ) ( halaman 423-429 )
[s.l.] : New York: CRC press, 2014, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Consumer-...: The federal employees health benefits program, ( Bab. 17 ) ( halaman 291-297 )
[s.l.] : San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Public... : Ethically managing self, people and resources to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and clients in the community, ( Ket. lihat bab. 16 ) ( halaman 261-276 )
[s.l.] : Garsington : Blackwell Publishing, 2008, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Continuous... : A call to action for transforming health care in the future. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 571-596 ) ( Bab. 20 )
[s.l.] : London: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Asthenopia pada wanita di call centre-X
Frans X. Suharyanto, Erizone Safari
Jakarta : Balitbangkes Depkes RI, 2010
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Handbook of... : Embedded risks and challenges of modern health care and the urgent call for proactive human factors, ( Ket. lihat bab. 3 ) ( halaman 27-42 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2012, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Lean... : Engaging and leading employees, ( Ket. Lihat bab. 10 ) ( halaman 177-201 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2012, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku