Health economics, technical briefing note : poverty and health an overview of the basic linkages and public policy measures
Guy Carrin, Claudio Politi
Geneva : WHO, 1997
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Sistem kesehatan (SKN) (kumpulan referensi) (Daftar isi: !. Rencana pembangunan jangka panjang bidang kesehatan 2005-2020 RPJPK, Analisis situasi dan kecenderungan pembangunan kesehatan, Dasar-dasar, visi dan misi pembangunan kesehatan, Arah kebijakan, tujuan, strategi dan sasran pembangunan kesehatan. RI; 2. Sukses PIN 2002 sebuah renungan untuk upaya penysunan SKN: hasil perenungan kecil di RS Jantung Harapan Kita pada tgl. 12 Jan. 2003; 3. Sub Tim Yan Kes (Penyusunan SKN); 4. Kebijakan obat nasional; 5.Analisis dan kecenderungan pembangunan kesehatan; 6. Kebijakan penyelenggaraan pembangunan kesehatan; 7. Makroekonomi dan Kesehatan: investasi kesehatan untuk pembangunan ekonomi; 8. Health economics: technical briefing note, poverty and health an overview of the basic linkages and public policy measures; 9. Expanding health care horizons: from a general systems concept of health to a national health policy; 10. Towards a new science of health; 11. Health medical science from determinism towards autonomy; 12. Health at social crossroads: theories of human interaction and a science of health; 13. National health systems of the world; 14. Health system components and their relationships; 15. Health systems in society; 16. Manajemen pemerintahan negara; 17. SANKRI (Sistem administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia): prinsip-prinsip penyelenggaraan negara; 18. The World Health Report 2000 Health systems: improving performance; 19. Kerangka landasan pembangunan hukum; 20. Pokok-pokok teori sistem; 21.
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Sustainable development, demography and sexual and reproductive health : inseparable linkages and their policy implications
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
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World Health Organization
Geneva : WHO, 2012
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Safe abortion : technical and policy guidance for health systems
World Health Organization
Geneva : WHO, 2003
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Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems
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[s.l.] : Sage, 2007
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