Populations, Public Health, and the Law
Wendy E. Parmet
Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, 2009
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Introduction to health education
Ira J. Bates, Alvin E. Winder
Palo Alto : Mayfield Publ. Comp., 1984
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Flexibilities provided by the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights
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Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Genomics and world health : report of the advisory committee on health research
World Health Organization
Geneva : WHO, 2002
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Systems of health care vol. 5
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The public-private mix for health
edited by Alan Maynard
Oxford : Radcliffe, 2005
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Jonas's health care delivery in the United States
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The Management of health care
William J. Abernathy
Cambridge : Ballinger Publ., 1974
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Oxford handbook of public health practice
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New York : Oxford University Press, 2001
Expanding health care horizons : from a general systems concept of health to a national health policy
Hendrik L. Blum
California : Thirth Party, 1983
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