Water and community development, social and economic perspectives
Donald R. Field, James C. Barron
Ann Arbor, Michigan : Ann Arbor Science, 1974
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Human resources development handbook : guidelines for ministries and agencies responsible for water supply and sanitation
edited by Neil Carefoot, Howard Gibson
Geneva : WHO, 1984
Water supply and waste disposal
W.A. Hardenbergh, Edward B. Rodie
New York : International Textbook, 1961
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Parasitic diseases in water resources development : the need for intersectoral negotiation
J.M. Hunter, Leonor Rey, E.O. Adekolu-John
Geneva : WHO, 1993
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Meeting the MDG dringking water and sanitation target: the urban and rural challenge of the decade
Geneva : WHO, 2006
Air Bersih, Indonesia Terancam Krisis Akut
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Koran
Organization development : its nature, origins, and prospect
Warren G. Bennis
Menlo Park, CA : Addison-Wesley, 1969
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Water resources system engineering
Warren A. Hall, John A. Dracup
New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill, 1970, 1975
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Teknik sumber daya air, Jilid 1
Ray K. Linsley, Joseph B. Franzini; alih bahasa, Djoko Sasongko
Jakarta : Erlangga, 1991
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Teknik sumber daya air, Jilid 2
Ray K. Linsley, Joseph B. Franzini; alih bahasa, Djoko Sasongko
Jakarta : Erlangga, 1995
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)