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Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Fundamental research statistics for the behavioral sciences
John J. Roscoe
New York : Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1975
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A Simple Guide to SPPS for Version 16.0
Lee A. Kirkpatrick, Brooke C. Feeney
Belmont : Wadsworth, 2009
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Non parametric statistical inference
by Jean Dickinson Gibbons
Tokyo : McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 1971
Reserved (pinjaman 1 hari)
A guide for selecting statistical techniques for analyzing social science data
Frank M. Andrews
Michigan : Michigan University, 1981
Reserved (pinjaman 1 hari)
Metoda statistika untuk bidang biologi, farmasi, geologi, industri, kedokteran, pendidikan, psikologi, sosiologi, teknik dll6
Bandung : Tarsito, 1975
Reserved (pinjaman 1 hari)
Statistik nonparametrik
Sri Anggarini, Kemal N. Siregar
Jakarta : BPKM FKM UI, 1980
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Statistical methods in cancer research. Volume II The design and analysis of cohort studies
by N.E. Breslow & N.E. Day
Lyon : International Agency for Research on Cancer, [1987, reprinted 1993]
Basic allied health statistics and analysis
Gerda Koch
Africa : Delmar Thomson Learning, 2000
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Analisis regresi ganda untuk data kependudukan : bagian I & II
I Gusti Ngurah Agung
Yogyakarta : UGM, 1986
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)