EOC modules: Bleeding in pregnancy postpartum hemorrhage manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)
[s.l.] : Arab Republic of Egypt: Ministry of Health and Pop., s.a.]
Comprehensive reproductive health and family planning training curriculu: Module 11: manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) for treatment of incomplete abortion
[s.l.] : Watertown: Pathfinder Int; 2000, s.a.]
Basic essential obstetric care competency-based training modules for physicians bleeding in pregnancy postpartum hemorrhage rupture of the uterus
[s.l.] : Arab Republic of Egypt: Ministry of Health and pop., s.a.]
Basic essential obstetric care competency-based training modules for physicians bleeding in pregnancy postpartum hemorrhage rupture of the uterus
[s.l.] : Arab Republic of Egypt: Ministry of Health and Pop., s.a.]
Basic essential obstetric care competency-based training modules for physicians bleeding in pregnancy postpartum hemorrhage rupture of the uterus
[s.l.] : Arab Republic of Egypt: Ministry of Health and Pop., s.a.]
Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage study West Java, Indonesia
[s.l.] : Maryland: JHPIEGO; 2004, s.a.]
Current... : Postpartum hemorrhage & the abnormal puerperium, ( Ket. lihat bab. 21 ) ( halaman 349-368 )
[s.l.] : New York : McGraw Hill Medical, 2013, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Pencegahan Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Pada Ibu Di Berbagai Negara: Literature Review Tahun 2022
Intan; Pembimbing: Masyitoh; Penguji: Zakiah; Amal Chalik Sjaaf
Depok : FKM-UI, 2022
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EOC modules: rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy diabetes in pregnancy pre-aclampsia/ eclamsia
[s.l.] : Arab Republic of Egypt: Ministry of Health and pop., s.a.]
Gambaran Perubahan Keluhan Low Back Pain dan Tingkat Risiko Ergonomi dengan Alat Vacuum pada Pekerja Manual Handling PT AII
Syelvira Yonansha; Pembimbing: L. Meily Kurniawidjaja; Penguji: Chandra Satrya, Ike Pujiriani
Depok : FKM UI, 2012
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