Occupational...: Real-time exposure assessment and job analysis techniques to solve hazardous workplace exposures, ( ket. lihat bab. 36 ) ( halaman 957-996 )
[s.l.] : New York: CRC Press, 2012, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Ultraviolet radiation
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1979, s.a.]
EHC (Series)
Ultraviolet Radiation
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1994, s.a.]
EHC (Series)
Estimating the global disease burden due to ultraviolet radiation exposure
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Prospective study of ultraviolet radiation exposure and mortality risk in the United States
Shin-Wen Lin ... [et al.]
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Occupational exposure to magnetic fields and breast cancer among women textile workers in Shanghai, China
Wenjin Li, Roberta M. Ray, David B. Thomas, Michael Yost, Scott Davis, Norman Breslow, Dao Li Gao, E. Dawn Fitzgibbons, Janice E. Camp, Eva Wong, Karen J. Wernli, Harvey Checkoway
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Functionality based detection of airborne engineered nanoparticles in quasi real time: a new type of detector and a new metric
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Proceedings of the tenth Asian conference on occupational health 1982 (daftar isi): 1. New development in the work of WHO in occupational health; 2. A comparison of heat stress indices in a hot humid environment; 3. An occupational health service in a diversified Australian corporation; 4. Occupational health service; 5. recent advances in occupational health services for small csale industries in Japan; 6. Industrial nursing service in peninsular Malaysia; 7. The status of occupational health services in the Philippines; 8. An overview of trends in the development of occupational health and safety in Singapura; 9. Occupational health programme in Thailand present and future; 10. The control of occupational health hazards in Singapore; 11. occupational hygiene in Australia - past, present and future; 12. Occupational health service agencies for minor industries in Japan; 13. Recent progress in the activity of Kyoto industrial health association, especially in work environment monitoring; 14. A state of California/ University supported occupational health centre; 15. Occupational health development in Germany; 16. Recent trends in occupational health education; 17. Contemporary education in occupational medicine one view from the United States; 18. The recent trend of occupational health education in Indonesia; 19. Recent trends in education on occupational health in Australia; 20. Tha training and supply of physicians for industry; 21. Occupational safety and health education - recent development in western Australia; 22. Symposium on agricultural and plantation health: paraquat spraying: comparative risks from high and low volume spraying techniques; 23. Problems and programme development in agricultural occupational health and safety; 24. Occ. pulmonary disease in Agricultural workers; 25. Blood cholinesterase level in organophosphorus poisoning; 26. Plantation family welfare supervisors (an ILO /UNFPA project); 27. Agricultural chemicals - how their potential hazards are controlled in New Zealand; 28. Risk factors for cerebral stroke among farmers and woodcutters in a Japanese community; 29. Nutritional problems among Japanese farmers in comparison with urban populations; 30. Health status of agricultural workers in Japan with special reference to climatical conditions; 31. Conjunctivitis due to cultivation work observed among Indonesian peasants; 32. Determination of blood cholinesterase activity on normal and after exposure to cholinesterase; 33. Decreasing cholinesterase activity level of labourers exposed to pesticides; 34. The determination of blood cholinesterase in the field; 35. Occ. pesticide poisoning; 36. Occ. exposure to organophosphorous insecticides in Singapore; 37. Health of agr. workers in Jatiluhur Irrigation areas; 38. Forum on ergonomics in Occupational Health: System ergonomics in action in Bali; 39. The role occ. biomechanics in increasing productivity; 40. The investigation of working conditions and environment by application of ergonomic checklist ; 41. Higher productivity through improved working conditions and environment; 42. Ergonomic model villages in Bali; 43. Chronic fatigue female keypunch operators, work related and/ or menses related; 44. VDU - work station design - reducing the health hazard; 45. VDT workplace design and physical fatigue; 46. Requirements of driving cab seat; 47. Effects of night work on health conditions among the sweep-workers of shinkansen-cars; 48. Twelve hour shift work and health ; 49. Ergonomics in relation to occ. safety and health in jute industries in Eastern India; 50. Relationship of hot working conditions and sweat loss; 51. Seminar on Accidents at work: Major factors associated with severe occ. hand injury in Hong Kong; 52. retrospective analysis into aetiology of industrial hand injuries; 53. The self-regulation approach to accident prevention; 54. Analysis of injuries among tunnel workers in the tenom pangi hydro-power project; 55. Epidemiology of work accidents and injuries among professional fire fighters in Singapore; 56. Epidemiology of work accidents and injuries among professional fire fighters in Singapore; 57. Accident analysis of the women workers during working hours for these five years; 58. Prevention and control of work injuries on manufacturing plant; 59. Health and safety aspects of bus drivers in Bali; 60. Accudents at work - the Singapore experience; 61. Repetition strain injuries in data process operators; 62. Repetitive movement injuries; 63. Health hazards of physical agents anf their control: Assessment of occ. noise exposure for hearing conservation programme; 64. A field study on noise-induced hearing loss of forest workers - the interaction of noise and local vibration to hearing; 65. Noise prevention and personal hearing protection - Swedish experiences; 66. Studies of noise induced hearing loss. Accidental exposure to sudden noise at work sites use of ear protectors, Swedish experiences; 67. Effects of noise on the brain metabolism in rat; 68. Vibration hazards in rock-drill operators of the anthracite mine; 69. Studies on the finger blood flow and peripheral nerve conduction velocity in workers using vibrating tools; 70. Decompression sickness (Bends) in Hong Kong subway construction work; 71. Relationship between ponderal index and percentage body fat with susceptibility to type I bends in 79 expatriate compressed air workers in Hong Kong; 72. Physical characteristics of Okinawan fishing-divers; 73.
[s.l.] : Singapore 1982, s.a.]
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation and risk of malignant lymphoma and multiple myeloma-a multicentre European case-control study
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Association of cutaneous malignant melanoma with intermittent exposure to ultraviolet radiation : result of a case-control study in Ontario, Canada
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah