Mortality from meningococcal disease by day of the week : English national linked database study
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
invasive meningococcal disease: completeness and timeliness of reporting of confirmed cases in thames valley, 2006-2007
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Epidemiological Study of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in DKI Jakarta (March 2020-December 2020)
Rajesh Kumar Das,; Pembimbing: Mondastri Korib Sudaryo; Penguji: Syahrizal Syarif, Hariadi Wibisono, Puhilan
Depok : FKM-UI, 2021
S2 - Tesis
Principles and... : Neisseria meningitidis. ( lihat halaman 2425-2445 ) ( bab 213 )
[s.l.] : Canada : Elsevier Saunders, 2015, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan carier nassofaring neisseria meningitidis pada jemaah haji Indonesia tahun 1996
Yusharmen; Pembimbing: Syahrizal Syarif
Depok : FKM UI, 1997
S2 - Tesis
Sensitivitas kuman neisseria meningitidis yang diisolasi dari jamaah haji Indonesia terhadap beberapa antibiotik
Muljati Prijanto ... [et al.]
Jakarta : Balitbangkes Depkes RI, 2000
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Comparative proteomics study on meglumine antimoniate sensitive and resistant leishmania tropica isolated from Iranian anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis patients
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Proceedings of the 4th seminar on Food - and water-borne parasitic zoonoses and the 2nd international meeting on gnathostomiasis. (Daftar isi): 1. Human fascoliasis: epidemiological patterns in human endemic areas of South America, Africa and Asia; 2. Parasitic epidemiological studies of cyclospora cayetanensis in Nepal; 3. In vitro cell-to-cell interaction of Thai acanthamoeba isolated from the environment; 4. Naegleria fowleri in Thailand, 2003; 5. Identification of cryptosporidium parvum genotype from HIV and non-HIV fecal samples by PCR; 6. Prevalence of toxoplasmosis among Thai Buddhist monks; 7. Comparison of indirect immunofluorescent antibody test and Sabin-Felman dye test for detection of toxoplasma gondii antibody in Thai pregnant women; 8. Is microspiridal infection in animals a potential source for human microsporidiosis ?; 9. Transmission of microsporidia to humans: water - borne, food-borne, air-borne, zoonotic, or anthroponotic ?; 10. The microsporida: pathology in man and occurrence in nature; 11. Diagnosis and epidemiology of microsporidia infections in humans; 12. Prevalence of sarcocytis SPP in cardiac muscle of swine in Samut Prakan Province, Thailand; 13. Epidemiology and control of eosinophilic meningitis in Thailand: an update; 14. An overview of gnathostomiasis in the world; 15. Gnathostoma and gnathostomiasis in Ecuador; 16. Gnathostoma infection in South Vietnam; 17. Gnathostomiasis: two cases admitted to Nong Kai Hospital, Thailand; 18. Eosinophilic meningitis due to gnathostoma spinigerum in a Thai immigrant in Sweden; 19. Angiostrongylus (Parastrongylus) cantonesis in the Western Hemisphere; 20. Chemotactic attraction of necator hookworm filariform larvae to sodium chroride; 21. Relationship of intestinal parasitic infections to malnutrition among schoolchildren near Tehran, Iran; 22. Parasitic infection among primary school students in Meuang District, Phitsanulok Province, Thailand; 23. School-based assessment of soil-transmitted helminthiases and food-borne parasitosis (intestinal fluke infection) in Monkayo, Compostela valley; 24. Helminths of vertebrates in Mae Sa Stream, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 25. Survey of the parasite transmission role of fresh vegetables in Urmia City, Iran; 26. Survey of brackish-water snails in Eastern THailand; 27. Introduction to the symposium on echinococcosis; 28. Epidemiology of echinococcosis in China; 29. Clinical diagnosis and treatment for human echinococcosis in China; 30. Taenia solium cysticercosis: the Asian and African perspective; 31. Cystic echinococcosis in Australia: the current situation; 32. Echinococcus multilocularis: the role of satellite remote sensing, gis and spatial modelling; 33. Immunological and molecular tools for identification of echinococcosis and epidemiological studies and the present problems in Japan; 34. Molecular taxonomy and epidemiology of cystic echinococcosis; 35. Vaccination against hydatidosis: anticipating the potential for antigenic variation; 36. Review of 311 cases of alveolar echinococcosis and criteria for classification of hepatic ultrasound images; 37. Study of 4,850 operated hydatidosis cases in Iran; 38. Cysticercosis in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam; 39. Clinical immunodiagnosis of neurocysticercosis: the single cyst challenge; 40. Distribution and disease burden of cysticercosis in China; 41. The current taenia solium taeniasis/ cysticercosis situation in Indonesia; 42. Epidemiology of taenia solium taeniasis/ cysticercosis in India and Nepal; 43. Taeniasis/ cysticercosis situation in Nepal; 44. Appendicular taeniasis: association with acute gangrene appendicitis in Isfahan, Iran; 45. The taeniasis-cysticercosis complex in West and Central Africa; 46. Taenia solium cysticercosis in Eastern and Southern Africa: an emerging problem in agriculture and public health; 47. Questionnaire results from a community-based project on porcine cysticercosis in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa; 48. Multiplex PCR diagnosis for taeniasis and cysticercosis; 49. Laboratory production and maintenance of spirometra erinacei spargana; 50. Trematodes from fish in the Bhumipol Dam, Tak Province Thailand; 51. Survey of helminths in climbing perch (anabas testudineus) from San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province; 52. Trematode infection rates of fish from a wastewater treatment factory polishing pond and a canal in Phuket, Thailand; 53. Treatment of stellantchasmus falcatus in gallus gallus domesticus by niclosamide and some anthelminthic plants; 54. Fish-Borne trematodes in Vietnam; 55. Infectivity, growth and fecundity of echinostoma malayanum in Mice; 56. Migratory pattern of opisthorchis viverrini in Hamsters; 57. Health behavior associated with opisthorchis viverrini infection in Khukan District, Si Sa Ket Province, Thailand; 58. Development of rapid agglutination test using fasciola gigantica specific antigen for serodiagnosis of human fascioliasis; 59. The current status of paragonimiasis in Japan; 60. A village cluster of paragonimiasis in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR; 61. A multiplex PCR for discrimination between paragominus westermani and P. Miyazakii at the metacrecarial stage; 62. Epidemiology, pathology and treatment of paragonimiasis in Vietnam; 63.
[s.l.] : Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO, 2004, s.a.]
Workshop on evidence for health policy: burden of disease, cost-effectiveness, and health systems. (Daftar isi: 1. Compositional models for mortality by age, sex and cause, Joshua A Salomon; 2. The epidemiological transitional: policy and planning implications for developing countries, James N. Gribble; 3. Methodology for measuring health-state preferences - 1: measurement strategies, Debra G. Froberg; 4. Methodology for measuring health-State preferences - II: scaling methods, Debra G. Froberg; 5. Methodology for measuring health-State preferences - III: population and context effects, Debra G. Froberg; 5. Measurement of health state utilities for economic appraisal : a review, George W. Torrance; 7. Methods for quality adjusment of life years, Erik Nord; 8. The person-trade-off approach to valuing health care programs, Erik Nord; 9. Cost utility analysis: what should be measured?, J. Richardson; 10. Health state valuations from the general public using the visual analogue scale, C Gudex; 11. Modeling valuations for EuroQol health states, Paul Dolan; 12. Deriving preference-based single index from the UK SF-36 health survey, John Brazier; 13. Measuring preferences for health states worse than death, Donald L. Patrick; 14. Multiattribute utility function for a comprehensive health status classification system health utilities index mark 2, George W. Torrance; 15. Evaluating healthy days of life gained from health projects, Howard Barnum; 16. The utility of health at different stages in life: a quantitative approach, Jan J. V.B; 17. The economic cost of illness revisited, Barbara S. Cooper; 18. Is the valuation of a qaly gained independent of age? some empirical evidence, Magnus J; 19. Discounting in the economic evaluation of health care interventions, Murray K; 20. Maximizing health benefits vs egalitarianism: an Australian survey of health issues, Erik N; 21. Estimating the cost of illness, Dorothy P.R.; 22. Discounting in health care decision-making: time for a change ?, Trevor A. Sheldon; 23. Discounting the future: influence of the economic model, Robert R. West; 24. Penn world tables 5.6, Alan H; 25. On the comparable quantification of health risks: lessons from the global burden of disease study, Christophr J.L.M; 26. Conceptual problems in the definition and interprtation of attributable fractions, Sander G; 27. Estimability and estimation of excess and etiologic fractions, James M. Robin; 28. Reducing the global burden of blood pressure-related cardiovascular disease, Anthony R; 29. The Australian burden of disease study: measuring the loss of health from diseses, injuries and risk factors, Colin DM; 30. Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years' observations on male British doctors, Richard D; 31. Estimated numbers of deaths from coronary heart disease "Caused" and "prevented" by alcohol: an example from Finland, Pia M; 32. Mortality from tobacco in developed countries: indirect estimation from national vital statistics, Richard P.A; 33. Intake of fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in a cohort of finnish men, Pirjo Pietinen; 34. Alcohol consumption and mortality among middle-aged and elderly U.S. adults, Michael J. Thun; 35. An improved aetiologic fraction of alcohol caused morbidity and mortality; 36. Dietary fat intake and the risk of coronary heart disease in women, Frank B. Hu; 37. Obesity, mortality and cardiovascular disease in the munster heart study (PROCAM), Helmut S; 38. The burden of dsease in Mexico in 1994: advances and challenges, Rafael Lozano; 39. The burden of disease and injury in Australia, Colin Mathers)
[s.l.] : Geneva: WHO, 2000, s.a.]
Resistance pattterns of microbes isolated from gastrointestinal tract
Mardiastuti H. Wahid, Ika Ningsih, Azmier Adib
Jakarta : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah