Systems analysis in health care
Vijay Mahajan, C. Carl Pegels
New York, NY : Praeger, 1979
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Improving board effectiveness : practical lessons for nonprofit health care organizations
Thomas P. Holland, Roger A. Ritvo, Anthony R. Kovner
Chicago, Ill. : American Hospital Publishing, 1997
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Applied methods of cost-effectiveness analysis in health care
Alastair M. Gray, Philip M. Clrke, Janel Wolstenholme, Sarah Wordsworth
[s.l.] : Oxford University Press, 2011
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
An analysis on possibility of using zakat for improving quality of health care services and protecting poor againts health improverishment in public sector of afghanistan
Syed Matiullah Wahidi; Advisor: Purnawan Junadi; Examiner: Heru Susetyo, Anhari Achadi, Ede Surya Darmawan, KalsumKomaryani
Depok : FKM-UI, 2012
S2 - Tesis
Workshop on evidence for health policy: burden of disease, Cost-Effectiveness, and health systems (Daftar isi: 1.Expanding the WHO tuberculosis control strategy: rethinking the role active case-finding, C.J.L. Murray; 2. Modeling the impact of global tuberculosis control strategies, ChristopherJ.L. Murray; 3. The decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis, Goran Karlsson; 4. On the decision relus of cost-effectiveness analysis, Magnus Johannesson; 5. Cost-effectiveness and capital costs, Goran k; 6. How attractive does a new technology have to be to warrant adoption and utilization? tentative guidelines for using clinical and economic evaluations, Andreas Laupacis; 7. Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes, Michael F. Drummond; 8. Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of health services: the methodology and its application, A. Griffiths; 9. Valuing health care: costs, benefits, and effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and other medical technologies, Frank A. Sloan; 10. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA); 11. Use of contingent valuation to place a monetary value on pharmacy services: an overview and review of the literature, Karen B; 12. The use of conjoint analysis to elicit willingness-to-pay values: proceed with caution?, Julie Ratcliffe; 13. Is there a role for benefit-cost analysis in environmental, health, and safety regulation ?, Kenneth J. Arrow; 14. Reasons and persons, Derek Parfit; 15. Qalys and ethics: a health economist's perspective, Alan Williams; 16. Double jeopardy and the use of QALYs in health care allocation, Peter Singer; 17. Double jeopardy, the equal value of lives and the veil of ignorance: a rejoinder to harris, John McKie; 18. The value of DALY life: problems with ethics and validity of disability adjusted life years, Erik Nord; 19. Public preferences for the allocation of donor liver grafts for transplantation, Julie Ratclife; 20. Distributing scarce livers: the moral reasoning of the general public, Peter A. Ubel; 21. Recognizing bedside rationing: clear cases and tough calls, Peter A. Ubel; 22. Estimating confidence intervals for cost-effectiveness ratios: an example from a randomized trial, Mohammad A. Chaudhary; 23. Reflecting uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analysis, W.G. Manning; 24. Hanling uncertanty in economic evaluation, Andrew Briggs; 25. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis in cost-effectiveness: an application from a study of vaccination against pneumococcal bacteremia in the elderly, William Whang; 26. Estimating uncertainty ranges for cost by the bootstrap procedure combined with probabilistic sensitivity analysis, Joanne Lord; 27. Uncertaintyin the economic evaluation of health care technologies: the role of sensitivity analysis, Andrew Briggs; 28. Building uncertainty into cost-effectiveness rankings portofolio risk-return tradeoffs and implications for decision rules, Bernie J. O'Brien; 29. Cost-effectiveness of chemotherapy for sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania, Eric De Jonghe; 30. Linking measures of health gain to explicit priority setting by an area health service in Australia, David A Cromwell; 31. Using discrete choice modelling in priority setting: an application to clinical service developments, Shelley Farrar; 32. Cost-effectiveness analysis and policy choices: investing in health systems, C.J.L. Murray; 33. A cost-effectiveness model for allocating health sector resources, Christopher Murray; 34. Disease control priorities in developing countries: an overview, Dean T. Jamison; 35. Oregon's medicaid ranking and cost-effectiveness: is there any relationship ?, Tammy O. Tengs; 36. Five-hundred life-saving interventions and their cost-effectiveness, Tammy O. Tengs; 37. Prioritising health services in an era of limits: the Oregon experience, John A Kitzhaber; 38. Priority setting: lessons from Oregon, Jennifer Dixon; 39. Oregon's methods: did cost-effectiveness analysis fail?; 40.
[s.l.] : Geneva: WHO, 2000, s.a.]
Health care... : Improving trauma system preparedness for disasters and public health emergencies. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 47-66 ) ( Bab. 3 )
[s.l.] : London: Jones and Bartlett, 2011, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
Workshop on evidence for health policy: burden of disease, cost-effectiveness, and health systems: 1. Responsiveness measures: consumer assessment of health plans study (CAHPS TM); 2. The use of cognitive testing to develop and evaluate CAHPS TM 1.0 core survey items; 3. Psychometric properties of the CAHPS TM 1.0 survey measures; 4. WHO strategy on measuring responsiveness; 5. Measuring responsiveness: results of a key informants survey in 35 countries; 6. WHO survey on health and health system responsiveness: questionnaire sections - draft; 7. Health system responsiveness survey : draft questionnaire - responsiveness section only; 8. Surveying health system preferences: Measuring preferences on health system performance assessment; 9. Overall goal attainment: Human development index: methodology and mmeasurement; 10. Good and bad growth: the human development reports; 11. Overall performance concepts: The comparative efficiency of national health systems in producing health: an analysis of 191 countries; 12. Frontier production functions and technical efficiency measures; 13. The estimation of technical efficiency; 14. Production frontiers and panel data; 15. Overall performance measures: The efficiency of government expenditure: experiences from Africa; 16. Measuring health production performance in the OECD; 17. What do the human development indices reveal?; 18. Exercise on measuring preferences: Health financing: Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care; 19. Incentives and provider payment methods; 20. Health insurance schemes for people outside formal sector employment; 21. New Zealand's health reforms: a clash of culture; 22. Improving allocative efficiency of health interventions: searching for policy tools; 23. Public and private roles in health: theory and financing patterns; 24. Some interim results from a controlled trial of cost sharing in health insurance; 25. Primary care reform: a country comparison of 'budget holding'; 26. Provision: Design, content and financing of an essential national package of health services; 27. The history and pronciples of managed competition; 28. Limits to rationality: economics, economists and priority setting; 29. Sub-National application of health systems performance framework: Measuring overall health system performance for 191 countries; 30.
[s.l.] : Geneva: WHO, 2000, s.a.]
Improving access to hospital care for the poor: comparative analysis of four health equity funds in Cambodia
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
A systems approach to improving maternal health in the Philippines
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Economic evalustion of an intensive home visiting programme for vulnerable families : a cost-effectiveness analysis of a public health intervention
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
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