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[s.l.] : Tokyo SEAMIC 1983, s.a.]
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[s.l.] : Baltimore The John Hopkins Press 1970, s.a.]
Proceedings of the workshop on the Asian action learning network on human resources for health
[s.l.] : Bangkok: IHPP, 2005, s.a.]
Proceedings of the tenth Asian conference on occupational health 1982 (daftar isi): 1. New development in the work of WHO in occupational health; 2. A comparison of heat stress indices in a hot humid environment; 3. An occupational health service in a diversified Australian corporation; 4. Occupational health service; 5. recent advances in occupational health services for small csale industries in Japan; 6. Industrial nursing service in peninsular Malaysia; 7. The status of occupational health services in the Philippines; 8. An overview of trends in the development of occupational health and safety in Singapura; 9. Occupational health programme in Thailand present and future; 10. The control of occupational health hazards in Singapore; 11. occupational hygiene in Australia - past, present and future; 12. Occupational health service agencies for minor industries in Japan; 13. Recent progress in the activity of Kyoto industrial health association, especially in work environment monitoring; 14. A state of California/ University supported occupational health centre; 15. Occupational health development in Germany; 16. Recent trends in occupational health education; 17. Contemporary education in occupational medicine one view from the United States; 18. The recent trend of occupational health education in Indonesia; 19. Recent trends in education on occupational health in Australia; 20. Tha training and supply of physicians for industry; 21. Occupational safety and health education - recent development in western Australia; 22. Symposium on agricultural and plantation health: paraquat spraying: comparative risks from high and low volume spraying techniques; 23. Problems and programme development in agricultural occupational health and safety; 24. Occ. pulmonary disease in Agricultural workers; 25. Blood cholinesterase level in organophosphorus poisoning; 26. Plantation family welfare supervisors (an ILO /UNFPA project); 27. Agricultural chemicals - how their potential hazards are controlled in New Zealand; 28. Risk factors for cerebral stroke among farmers and woodcutters in a Japanese community; 29. Nutritional problems among Japanese farmers in comparison with urban populations; 30. Health status of agricultural workers in Japan with special reference to climatical conditions; 31. Conjunctivitis due to cultivation work observed among Indonesian peasants; 32. Determination of blood cholinesterase activity on normal and after exposure to cholinesterase; 33. Decreasing cholinesterase activity level of labourers exposed to pesticides; 34. The determination of blood cholinesterase in the field; 35. Occ. pesticide poisoning; 36. Occ. exposure to organophosphorous insecticides in Singapore; 37. Health of agr. workers in Jatiluhur Irrigation areas; 38. Forum on ergonomics in Occupational Health: System ergonomics in action in Bali; 39. The role occ. biomechanics in increasing productivity; 40. The investigation of working conditions and environment by application of ergonomic checklist ; 41. Higher productivity through improved working conditions and environment; 42. Ergonomic model villages in Bali; 43. Chronic fatigue female keypunch operators, work related and/ or menses related; 44. VDU - work station design - reducing the health hazard; 45. VDT workplace design and physical fatigue; 46. Requirements of driving cab seat; 47. Effects of night work on health conditions among the sweep-workers of shinkansen-cars; 48. Twelve hour shift work and health ; 49. Ergonomics in relation to occ. safety and health in jute industries in Eastern India; 50. Relationship of hot working conditions and sweat loss; 51. Seminar on Accidents at work: Major factors associated with severe occ. hand injury in Hong Kong; 52. retrospective analysis into aetiology of industrial hand injuries; 53. The self-regulation approach to accident prevention; 54. Analysis of injuries among tunnel workers in the tenom pangi hydro-power project; 55. Epidemiology of work accidents and injuries among professional fire fighters in Singapore; 56. Epidemiology of work accidents and injuries among professional fire fighters in Singapore; 57. Accident analysis of the women workers during working hours for these five years; 58. Prevention and control of work injuries on manufacturing plant; 59. Health and safety aspects of bus drivers in Bali; 60. Accudents at work - the Singapore experience; 61. Repetition strain injuries in data process operators; 62. Repetitive movement injuries; 63. Health hazards of physical agents anf their control: Assessment of occ. noise exposure for hearing conservation programme; 64. A field study on noise-induced hearing loss of forest workers - the interaction of noise and local vibration to hearing; 65. Noise prevention and personal hearing protection - Swedish experiences; 66. Studies of noise induced hearing loss. Accidental exposure to sudden noise at work sites use of ear protectors, Swedish experiences; 67. Effects of noise on the brain metabolism in rat; 68. Vibration hazards in rock-drill operators of the anthracite mine; 69. Studies on the finger blood flow and peripheral nerve conduction velocity in workers using vibrating tools; 70. Decompression sickness (Bends) in Hong Kong subway construction work; 71. Relationship between ponderal index and percentage body fat with susceptibility to type I bends in 79 expatriate compressed air workers in Hong Kong; 72. Physical characteristics of Okinawan fishing-divers; 73.
[s.l.] : Singapore 1982, s.a.]
Dietary guidelines: proceedings of an international conference
Michael C. Latham
[s.l.] : Cornell International Nutrition, 1989
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Abstract proceedings : the 1st asian researcher syposium
[s.l.] : UI, 2016, s.a.]
Global Health Conference Proceedings : Asia-Pasific Academic Consortium For Public Health The 45th Annual Conference, Wuhan University Global Health Institute October 24-27, 2013 Wuhan, China
Edited by: Zongfu MAo, Qiqiang He, Haiyan Xiao
Wuhan' : Wuhan University, 2013
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Induced abortion: a hazard to public health Proceedings of the first conference of the IPPF Middle East and North Africa Region, February, 1971, Beirut, Lebanon
editor, R. Isam Nazer
Beirut : International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1972
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Occupational practice in Asean and other Asian
Suma'mur P.K.
Jakarta : Depnakertrans, 1982
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Improving reproductive health : International shared experience : Proceedings of a two-day International workshop 4,5 December, 1997 Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
[s.l.] : Jakarta Population Council 1998, s.a.]