Expert committee on health statistics, 6th. report including 3rd. report of the sub committee on cancer statistics, TRS.164
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1959, s.a.]
TRS (Series)
Sampling methods in morbidity surveys and public health investigations, 10th. report of the WHO expert committee on health statistics
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1966, s.a.]
TRS (Series)
Morbidity statistics: 12th report of the WHO expert committee on health statistics/WHO
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1968, s.a.]
TRS (Series)
Teaching health statistics twenty lesson and seminar autlines
edited by S.K. Lwanga; Chotye
Geneva : WHO, 1986
Reserved (pinjaman 1 hari)
Recent trends in health statistics in Southeast Asia 1974-1993 : 15th anniversary issue of the SEAMIC health statistics
International Medical Foundation of Japan
Minato-ku, Tokyo : SEAMIC, 1997
Buku (pinjaman 1 minggu)
Environmental and health monitoring in occupational health, report of a WHO expert committee, TRS.535
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1973, s.a.]
TRS (Series)
Urban health services, 5th report of the expert committee on public health administration
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1963, s.a.]
TRS (Series)
World Health statistics annual 1996
World Health Organization
Geneva : WHO, 1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996
Planning and evaluation of health education services, report of a WHO expert committee/WHO
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1969, s.a.]
TRS (Series)
Expert committee on health education of the public, 1st report, TRS.188
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1954, s.a.]
TRS (Series)