Handbook of community psychiatry and community mental health
Leopold Bellak
New York : Grune & Straton, 1964
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WHO expert committee on leprosy: seventh report
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[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1958, s.a.]
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[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1998, s.a.]
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[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1998, s.a.]
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Community health preventive medicine and social services
Brian Meredith Davies, Tom Davies
London : Bailliere Tindall, 1983; 1993
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Water and community development, social and economic perspectives
Donald R. Field, James C. Barron
Ann Arbor, Michigan : Ann Arbor Science, 1974
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Community water supply: report of a WHO expert committee
[s.l.] : Geneva WHO 1969, s.a.]
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Impact of health education on community knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards solid waste management in Al Ghobeiry, Beirut
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