GIS in... : Hospital preparedness planning for evacuation and sheltering with GIS in South Carolina. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 117-127 ) ( Bab. 10 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in... : Multiscale enterprise GIS for healthcare preparedness in South Carolina. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 103-116 ) ( Bab. 9 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in... : Using GIS to improve workplace and worker safety crisis management. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 21-32 ) ( Bab. 3 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in... : Healthcare facility disaster planning: using GIS to identify alternate care sites. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 87-101 ) ( Bab. 8 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in... : Building a GIS common operating picture for integrated emergency medical services and hospital emergency management response. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 221-235 ) ( Bab. 16 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in hospital and healthcare management
edited by Ric Skinner
Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010
Reserved (pinjaman 1 hari)
GIS in... : Disaster preparedness and response for vulnerable populations: essential role of GIS for emergency medical services during the San Diego County 2007 firestorm. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 167-185 ) ( Bab. 13 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in... : Role of GIS in interegency healthcare logistical support during emergencies. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 45-64 ) ( Bab. 5 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in... : TRauma center siting, optimization modeling, and GIS. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 75-85 ) ( Bab. 7 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku
GIS in... : Natural disasters and the role of GIS in Assessing need. ( Ket. Lihat halaman 187-205 ) ( Bab. 14 )
[s.l.] : Boca Raton, Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, s.a.]
Kumpulan Daftar Isi Buku