Global fund needs to address conflict of interest
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
The financial crisis and global health : the international monetary fund's (IMF) policy response
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Transforming governance or reinforcing hierarchies and competition : examining the public and hidden transcrips of the global fund and HIV in India
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Reaching vulnerable populations : lessons from the global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and Malaria
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
conflicted interest
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Has global fund support for civil society advocacy in the former Soviet Union established meaningful engagement or 'a lot of jabber about nothing'?
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah
Keterkaitan Kritis Antara Kompenen Sistem Kesehatan dengan Global Fund Untuk Program Malaria di Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen Provinsi Papua Tahun 2012
Depok : FKM-UI, 2012
S2 - Tesis
Conflict resolution
[s.l.] : Indira Gandhi national open university, s.a.]
Analisis intervensi global fund terhadap mutu layanan di klinik infeksi menular seksual puskesmas Kec. Pasar Rebo dan Puskesmas Kec. Tamansari tahun 2008
Depok : FKM-UI, 2008
S2 - Tesis
Caring after conflict
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah